Meet Beth

Beth Litrich
Co-Founder & Operations

Beth Litrich is passionate about her family and growing REvolve Growth Partners with her husband, Ryan Litrich.  Creative with an entrepreneurial spirit, she has developed her knowledge of the commercial real estate industry while working with Ryan over the last 15 years. With a growth mindset, Beth is responsible for brand management and organizational processes for the team. A San Diego native, she graduated with honors from the University of San Diego, where she earned both a Bachelor of Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing and a Bachelor of Fine Arts with an emphasis in Visual Communications.  Early in her career, she worked for a publicly traded residential real estate developer as a design and sales consultant, where she experienced both the sales process and development side of home building.  Beth continues to be a household manager, caring for their two daughters in Rancho Santa Fe, CA.  With a strong focus on family and giving back to the community, she also enjoys volunteering her time for various nonprofits and schools.